With an established reputation, expert staff and competitive rates, Cochrane Earthmoving caters to both local clients and interstate contractors looking to hire machinery and experienced operators in the ACT and surrounding regions • company profile

Machinery hired includes 2 x 22 tonne excavators – with various buckets, rock hammer, ripper, augers (including sizes up to 1200mm) , grab, truck and tipper – plus we move all of our own machinery with our quad-axle low-loader • more on machinery
We only offer our machines with experienced and qualified operators (no dry hiring • see FAQs
Our three operators have over 50 years combined experience working with excavators and trucks. Our operators are also fully ticketed to operate their machines and certified in Occupational Health and Safety and First Aid • more details
Cochrane Earthmoving is National Code of Practice Compliant for the Construction Industry and therefore approved by the Federal Government to perform work on federally funded government jobs.
Cochrane Earthmoving also holds certification from the ACT Government permitting us to tender for Building Work and perform Building Work (if contracted to do so) on ACT Governemnt contolled sites • see certification (PDF) • more information
With our qualifications, equipment and experience Cochrane Earthmoving regularly provides services to many of the leading construction and civil engineering companies in the ACT and surrounding region • portfolio